This week's dogs!


Chesterfield Animal Rescue
Age: 6 months
Breed: Podenco
Status: Looking for forever home

Victor came to us from a pound, he’s had a terrible start to life, he’s the most scared puppy we’ve ever met. He’s been here for a month and is making progress, he’s looking for an amazing home where he can continue with his rehabilitation and start to really love life.

Please vote for Victor so we can continue to help more dogs like him in our care.

For more info visit the Rescue CentrePlay now and vote for me!


Small Dog Rescue Sussex
Breed: Crossbreed
Status: Successfully adopted

We rescued Dolly, age 2.5 years approx, in June 2020. When she came home with us she was a very timid little dog who was scared of her own shadow and barked at anything she found scary. After almost a year with her new family she is more confident than ever, has won a total of 15 rosettes in online dog shows, no longer barks at scary things and has made so many friends both human and doggy! She’s even made friends with a few cats along the way which I never expected. She greets everyone with a saggy tail rather than backing away in fear and makes me so proud and happy every single day!

Please vote for Dolly so we can continue to help more dogs like her in our care.

For more info visit the Rescue CentrePlay now and vote for me!


All Creatures Great And Small
Breed: English Bull Terrier
Status: Successfully adopted

When Diesel was brought into us, he came in with a skin condition and fur loss which required constant treatment. Diesel was quite an anxious dog when he came into us and despite receiving a lot of love and attention whilst with at the sanctuary, it was apparent he was not coping with life in kennels. We reached out to our rescue colleagues and found him the most loving home in Manchester. He is truly adored and due to being so settled and happy, his skin condition and fur have improved.

Please vote for Diesel so we can continue to help more dogs like him in our care.

For more info visit the Rescue CentrePlay now and vote for me!


Sunny Shores Dog Rescue
Age: 2 years
Breed: Rottweiler
Status: Looking for forever home

Fara lived her life on a chain in the Spanish countryside. Her owner handed her over to us after she escaped several times. She arrived, shut down and extremely nervous of humans. She is under assessment and is undergoing her course of vaccinations in readiness for her blood tests and neutering. We are looking forward to finding her forever home very soon.

Please vote for Fara so we can continue to help more dogs like her in our care.

For more info visit the Rescue CentrePlay now and vote for me!


Boycie's Bridge Rescue
Breed: Collie Cross
Status: In long-term foster

Another long term foster girl, beautiful Georgie. This senior lady has a heart of gold and is as beautiful inside as she is out. She has advanced arthritis and also dementia which is why she will stay in foster with us for life.

She adores her foster family and they are making her as happy and comfortable as possible. She’s recently had a collapse, which was a shock but she’s overcome it.

Please vote for Georgie so we can continue to help more dogs like her in our care.

For more info visit the Rescue CentrePlay now and vote for me!

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